Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


Day 28-A picture of you from last year and now-how have you changed?

i've changed a lot in the last year.

Last year I had just graduated from college, just started my first full time job, and was enjoying life in utah. then my current position opened and after a conversation that surprised both matthew and i, i decided to apply. i got the job and we packed up and moved across the country in about a month. it was a crazy busy time in our lives... and here we are, a year later-- about to have our first baby and living a busy life....

last year to the left and this year below.

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