Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


Day 24-A letter to your parents

Dear Mom and Dad--

Life is good. I know that growing up things were different then I'm sure you imagined. I don't think you thought you'd be raising us on our own- driving back and forth to bring Anton and I to visit the other. Sure, sometimes, we didn't like it but we made out alright. You taught me good values. You let me choose for myself the things that I know to be right. You'll know these things one day too. Thank you for giving me that freedom. Thank you for letting me be me all the time. As I get older, the more I realize how important you are in my life. Now that Matthew and I are starting our own little family, I realize how important it is to be strong and to know what I believe in. My little boy might be crazy like I was but if he grows up having learned all that I did, I'll be a proud parent.
Thank you..

Love, DeAnna

Dear Mom and Dad C--

You are wonderful! I am so in love with your son and he treats me better than I ever could have imagined possible. He wouldn't know how to do that if you hadn't taught him so well. You taught him to be strong in the gospel, to treat his family right, and to have passion about whatever it is he's doing in life. He's going to be such a great dad and that is so comforting. Thank you for raising Matthew to be the man that he is. My life is amazing because of it.

Love, DeAnna

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