Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


some thoughts

i love to write. i love even more to journal and write of things that truely matter to me, and truely affect me. even more than writing, i love to read back through old journal entries. i love to reread of certain trials or certain stresses. and even to read back over certain boy stories and to see how much i thought i was in love and now realize how wrong i was. i love to look back and see how i've grown and see who i've trusted, and sometimes even to see what i wore that day. i read today of a blessing i received when i was set apart to a certain calling a few sememsters ago, i was amazed at the insights i had received to a simple phrase he had said. i read that at that time it was the perfect answer to my prayer. sometimes, often times, i forget about those instances. how grateful i am that i wrote that down, because ironically it was an answer to that same prayer many months later. i was able to remember that truth and remember that spirit.
i'm not very good at journaling now. every so often i'll write a little something, but i use to write everyday or at least every other. when i was a kid i use to write things like " today is wed. it is sunny(draw picture of sun). i had gym and i liked playing soccer. love, deanna" and now i write long drawn out thoughts that often have no point in the end. my thoughts are long and continuous. i have not yet learned how to shut off my mind. i try sometimes, but it hardly works. one day. and then one day i won't have to write everything. i'll realize that's it's okay to just write the big stuff at some points in our lives.
on another note. i'm not a big fan of politics. i listen enough to make educated decisions when i vote and to not be an uneducated american, but really it's not a passion of mine. this week though, even though i did not fully support either candidate, i am prepared to fully support our new president elect. in a few short months his decisions will affect everyone of us. many other decisions and laws will be made or try to be made that will affect us. one of these was prop 8 in ca and the ones in fl and az. i know i already stated my opinion, but i wanted to share an insight my D&C professor had today during class. He said " I have been teaching D&C for a while and been reading and learning from it even longer. I have not found a significant reason why D&C125 is in there. I have some opinions and ideas to some things it could teach us."(as do many people, he did clarify that he knows it is in there for a purpose he just has not found that purpose yet) he continued :
" D&C 125 tells the saints where they can dwell as directed by the prophet. The prophet is given the authority and can and should give us modern revelation for every matter, whether temporal,spiritual, or political"
i don't really want to write much on the topic, and since it passed i am very glad but did want to share that insight.
well, now that i've bored your poor eyes, i'm going to head to bed so i can get up early for work. i jsut had a lot on my mind, and want to get some of it off before i shut my eyes.
-good night.

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