Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


New Years Resolution

 A teacher of mine whose blog i follow has a idea for New Years' Resolutions that I find so promising and so I have decided to try it this year.
Basically, instead of goals- she chooses one word for the year. She then uses that word to motivatae herself throughout the year to become a better person. Some people, through her comments, take that word and then make it more specific for each month. It's a lot less "burdensome" than a goal, but it has many little goals within it.

I thought about this for a little, and have decided my word will be "MOTIVATE". I want to motivate myself to be a better person: in spiritual, physical, and emotional ways. I want to motivate my husband to finish school and strive with me to be a better person. I want to motivate my empoyees to love the work they do and help them to see what potential and growth there is in their lives, both in and out of the company. I want to motivate my friends and family to seek more truth in their personal lives and help them realize that there are always ways to improve.

What is your "Word for the Year"?


J and M K family said...

Here's the link to the instructions on how to get 3 columns.


Then all you have to do is get a 3-column background and you're good to go!

And I like your New Year's resolution, it certainly would be less binding if you just had a word to try to stick to. I hope you have a good New Years Eve!

J and M K family said...

So I've made my list of things to do this next year and decided that all of them revolve around the word passion. So thats my word this year! Passion.