Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day....

to my dad-
Life is always better when you know that no matter what- there is someone there to support you. Thank you Dad- for being the very best you knew how to be and for teaching me to be the very best I can be. We love you.

to mr. cleans dad-
He raised such a great son. He taught him to be respectful and kind and loving. He encouraged him to be great at everything he did and to learn through reading and observation. We love you.

to mr. clean-
mr. clean makes life fun. he reminds me that every minute does not have to be planned and it's okay if we by pass cleaning now and then to do something fun with our family. he's SUCH a great dad to jarhead. he plays with him and talks to him. i know that if jarhead grows up to be like his dad- he's going to have a good life. thank you mr. clean for bein such a great dad to jarhead and hubby to me <3

to all the other men/dads who have influenced my life(both those still here with us and those who have passed on)-
thank you for teaching me patience, love, and so many other things. thank you for traveling to my special events. thank you for being a great dad to your children and for loving those that aren't.


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