Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


Sept 2013

man on man. i am behind! i blame it on too little sleep, moving, a birthday, holidays, and did i mention little sleep? well, here goes a quick catch up!

Lego turned 3 months!

went to my friend Mare's wedding (who I somehow didn't get a pic with!) but also got to see her family/my friends... 

a trip to SLC with cousins! good trip and the kids loved it!

first post baby 5k (and only so far :) ) i walked about half of it but it was fun to do with my friends! i love these girls!

jarhead loves to play with lego! it's SOO cute!

i'm sure it was a great month but I dont really remember! this is just after we found our house and the packing began!

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