Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


Moving Time!

I can never think of clever titles... sorry about that! oh well!
anyway- we've been super busy around here!! We're just about packed.. Today will consist of disassembling most things in our place, moving the bed to the living room, and then cleaning the back to rooms so we don't have to worry about them anymore.... Now that we know we're going, we're excited and ready to get to Utah and find a place to live... It'll be busy but worth it... Mr. Clean is going to go back to school for a little while and then we'll see what life holds!!

this is how we found jack after one of his naps!

and below are some pics from my mom's birthday party!

and then just some other cute ones from the last weekend or so :)

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