Welcome to Our Blog! These are the stories of our crazy busy lives. We're an east coast met west coast stuck in the middle family who loves to cook, play games, and just have fun. We love our little boys, Jarhead and Lego! Enjoy and Leave us Comments!


yay for christmas <3

yay for christmas decorations! we're so excited for christmas <3 we bought a bunch of really cute decorations for our new little home and then his mom and my mom both sent us more decorations. and we got a cute ornament from the Taylors and another cute one from my grandma. so, now our little home is over flowing with cute directions. i'll add a picture of the tree soon and i'll also add some pics of our yummmmy thanksgiving dinner. i know i'm a slacker and haven't posted. but, yeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, I finally realized I hadn't added you to my RSS feed. sorry.

good to get caught up. I need to talk to you about your cute picture (in the pink top, on the left) call me soon!

love and miss you